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Om Sri Sai Ram!
We are happy to announce that a Maha Rudra Yanga will be conducted for World Peace, near Fuji Mountain, the spiritual center of Japan, with the Grace and Blessings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The program will commence with the Inauguration of Yagna Venu at 4:00 pm on 30 August, 2017, and will be completed with the Arathi to Bhagavan Baba at 1:30 pm on 3 September, 2017. (Culturel Program on 3 September, yet to be decided)
In order to alleviate the disastrous effects of the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima, and to help the recovery from the great Earthquake and Tsunami in 2011 some devotees from overseas and Japan were thinking of conducting a Rudra Homa near Fukushima, in the northern part of Japan. When we asked Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba about this, in December 2016, He told us to do a Maha Rudra Yagna for World Peace near Fuji Mountain in the summer of 2017. Since Fuji Mountain is the Spiritual Center of Japan, any spiritual program conducted near Fuji Mountain, will reach the entire country, and their prayers will reach the entire Universe, said He. He said, you should pray for World Peace, not just for national peace. Swami had blessed the Siva Lingam, which had been specially prepared for this Occasion, and named it “Sarva Lingam (Lingam with all the attributes of all Lingams).”
With Swami’s approval, Professor Nanjunda Dixit Ji (he has just completed the tenth Athi Rudra Maha Yagna under the banner of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 6th August 2017 at Tiruvannnamalai) will come to Japan, with his wife and 11 priests and four musicians, to officiate this Maha Rudra Yagna,
Little did we know last year when Swami told us to do this Yagna for World Peace, that at the time of the performance of this Yagna, some leaders of the world would actually be threatening each other with the possibilities of nuclear warfare. It is not nuclear weapons that will protect the world, but our sincere adherence to right conduct or Dharma, and our prayers for World Peace. Current world situation has made us realize that if the world is not peaceful, our individual peace and national peace have no grounds.  
Bro. Julius of Malaysia has agreed to help and is bringing some Rtwiks from Malaysia and Singapore. We are hoping that Swami will inspire overseas Rtwiks, chanters and devotees of the Lord to participate in this Yagna for World Peace, performed at a very critical period in human history, so this sacred Ceremony will please the Most Compassionate Lord Almighty! May He grant Peace to all the inhabitants of all the worlds!                … Jai Sai Ram …


How we started

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